Tech Hiring
I spent 647 hours in learning and doing so you do not have to.
Tech Hiring
For Companies
Hiring the right tech people and the tech lead/CTO is daunting for everyone. It is especially more difficult when you lack the technical expertise to evaluate the candidate. But worry not!
The job description
Get help with defining the requirements of the position you want to fill and selecting the right tools which are needed for the job. Write down the desired experience a candidate given those tools and knowledge. Decide on the best online channel to promote the job.
The weeding and interviews
Learn how to weed out bad candidates with a simple email asking for ten minutes of their time to answer six questions. Then prepare for the three-stage tech interview. All is finished in 1h 30 min per qualified candidate.
For Candidates
At one point or another in your life, you will like to change your job. If the time is now, I applaud your choice! Let's get you prepared for your new role - build a concise resume and rock your interviews.
The resume
Your resume can take different forms - it can be a one-page PDF file, it can be your personal website or your LinkedIn profile + your Github showcase page. Regardless of the format, it needs to highlight your strengths and omit watering down jargon.
The interviews and tests
Learn how to reply to questions you do not have the answers to. Ask the right questions at the end of the interview to impress the hiring person. Include smart suggestions for the company which make you stand out.
Get better at it!
Hiring Digital Course
• How to prepare and conduct a tech interview
• How to rock a tech interview
A dual view of the tech hiring process.
Coaching Call
• Book 1 hour for us to talk through the current problems and challenges which you are facing
Coaching Call + 3x Interviews
• Book 1 hour for us to talk through the current problems and challenges which you are facing.
• Hire me to lead 3 tech interviews for a job opening at your company.